Sampling Theory


  1. Distributions
  2. The Normal Curve and z-Scores
  3. The Central Limit Theorem
  4. The Standard Error and Confidence Intervals
  5. Small Samples: The t-distribution
  6. Calculating Sample Size for Estimating Proportions

Examples and Illustrations



Least You Should Know


Food for Thought


Concepts, terms, vocabulary

bimodal distribution (166)
central limit theorem (167)
confidence interval (172)
critical value (174)
cumulative mean (167)
distributions (163)
finite population correction (180)
frequency polygon (168)
leptokurtic (166)
modulus/absolute value (174)
normal distribution (163-164)
platykurtic (166)

sampling distribution (167)
skewed distribution (166)
standard deviation/sd (164)
standard error of the mean/sem (164)
symmetric distribution (166)
z-scores/standard scores (165)

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